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Increase your brain

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 Ways to Better Brainpower
(In no particular order.)

1. Breath deep. More air in means more oxygen in the blood and therefore in the brain. Breath through your nose and you'll notice that you use your diaphragm more, drawing air deeper into your lungs. Several deep breaths can also help to relax you, which is conducive to clearer thinking.

2. Meditate. A simple meditation you can do right now is just closing your eyes and paying attention to your breath. Tensing up your muscles and then relaxing them to start may help. When your mind wanders, just bring your attention back to your breath. Five or ten minutes of this will usually relax you, clear your mind, and leave you more ready for any mental task.

3. Sit up straight. Posture affects your thinking process. Prove it to yourself by doing math in your head while slouching, looking at the floor and letting your mouth hang open. Then do the mental math while sitting up straight, keeping your mouth closed and looking forward or slightly upwards. You'll notice that it's easier to think with the latter posture.

4. Phosphotidyl Serine (PS). This supplement has been shown in clinical studies to increase lucidity and rate of learning. It activates cell-to-cell communication, helps regulate cell growth, improves the functioning of the special receptors found on cells, and prepares cells for activity. In other words, it can help your brain power. It's also thought to reverse memory decline. Phosphatidylserine has no known adverse side effects.

5.Vinpocetine. This extract, derived from an alkaloid found in the Periwinkle plant, is used as a cerebral vasodilator. It increases blood flow to the brain, which improves its oxygenation and thereby increases mental alertness and acuity. Research suggests it may also be the most powerful memory enhancer available to date.

6. Gingko Biloba. The leaves of this tree have been proven to increase blood flow to the brain. The trees are often planted in parks. My friends and I used to eat a few leaves when we wanted a brain boost. It is also inexpensive, if you buy the capsules or tea at any health food store.

7. Saint John's Wort. This is a common weed that may be growing in your yard. Although it's brain enhancing qualities are less documented (studies do show it's usefulness for treating long-term depression), many people swear by it's temporary mood-elevating effect, and our brains tend to function better when we are happy. It is inexpensive, but I used to just collect it in the yard and make tea of it. (Hyperacum Perforatum, if you want to look it up by it's botanical name.)

8. Good thinking habits.
Just use a problem solving technique for several weeks and it will become a habit. Redesign everything you see for a while, and that will become a habit. You can develop many good thinking habits with some effort, and then be more resourceful effortlessly from that point on. Use the power of habit.

9. Use dead time. This is time that is otherwise wasted or just under-utilized. Driving time, time spent in waiting rooms, or even time spent raking your yard can be included in this. With a tape player and a trip to a public library, you can start to use this time to listen to books-on-tape. You may spend 200 hours a year in your car. What could you learn in that time?

10. Learn a language.
Learning a new language has been shown to halt the age-related decline in brain function. It also introduces your mind to new concepts and new ways of looking at things (in English we are afraid, whereas in Spanish we have fear). It is one of the best brain exercises.

11. Rosemary.
This common herb may have an effect on the brain when the scent is inhaled. We are waiting for the research, but some people swear that just sniffing rosemary wakes up their brain. It seems safe, so if you have rosemary in your spice rack, give it a try.

12. Mindfulness exercises. Concentration and clear thinking are more or less automatic once you remove distractions. Learn to stop and watch your busy mind. As you notice things that are subtly bothering you, deal with them. This might mean making a phone call you need to make, or putting things on a list so you can forget them for now. With practice, this becomes easier, and your thinking becomes more powerful.

13. Write. Writing is good for your mind in a number of ways. It is a way to tell your memory what is important, so you'll recall things more easily in the future. It is a way to clarify your thinking. It is a way to exercise your creativity and analytical ability. Diaries, idea-journals, poetry, note-taking and story-writing are all ways to use writing to boost your brain power.

14. Listen to Mozart.
In a study at the University of California, researchers found that children who studied piano and sang daily in chorus, were much better at solving puzzles, and when tested, scored 80% higher in spatial intelligence than the non-musical group. In another study, 36 students were given three spatial reasoning tests on a standard IQ test. Just before the first test, they listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 for ten minutes. Before the second test, they listened to a relaxation tape. Before the third, they sat in silence. The average scores for all 36 students: 1st test: 119. 2nd test: 111. 3rd test: 110. A nine-point boost from Mozart!

15. Develop your intuition. Intuition can be an important part of brainpower. Einstein and others have relied heavily on their intuitive hunches. See Chapter 25 for tips on how to develop your intuition.

16. Avoid foods that cause subtle allergies. These can include wheat, corn, peanuts and dairy products. Watch yourself to see if you have a problem with any of these. They cause digestive problems and brain fog in some people.

17. Sleep better.
As long as you get a certain amount of sleep - probably a minimum of five hours - the quality seems to be more important than the quantity. Also, short naps in the afternoon seem to work well to recharge the brain for some people.

18. Caffeine. The research shows higher test scores for students who drink coffee before major exams. My chess game gets better. In other studies, it has been shown that too much caffeine leads to poorer quality decisions. Caffeine affects individuals differently, and has some nasty long-term side effects for some of us, but short-term - it works!

19. Avoid sugar. Any simple carbohydrates can give you "brain fog." Sometimes called the "sugar blues" as well, this sluggish feeling makes it hard to think clearly. It results from the insulin rushing into the bloodstream to counteract the sugar rush. Avoid pasta, sugars, white bread and potato chips before any important mental tasks.

20. Hypnosis audios. The power of suggestion is real, and one way to use it is with hypnosis tapes, CD's or downloads. This type of brain "programing" has more evidence for it than subliminals.

21. Speed reading. Contrary to what many believe, your comprehension of material often goes up when you learn to speed-read. You get to learn a lot more in less time, and it is definitely a good brain exercise.

22. Exercise. Long term exercise can boost brainpower, which isn't surprising. Anything that affects physical health in a positive way probably helps the brain too. Recent research, though, shows that cognitive function is improved immediately after just ten minutes of aerobic exercise. If you need a brain recharge, you might want to walk up and down the stairs a few times.

23. Imaginary friends. Talking to and getting advice from characters in your mind can be a great way to access the information in your subconscious mind. Imagine a conversation with a person who has a lot of knowledge in the area you want advice in.

24. Develop your creativity. Creativity gives power to your thinking. Raw computation can be done by computers now, but humans provide the creative thought that shapes our world. See Chapter 24 for tips on developing your creativity.

25. Learn more efficiently. When you decide to learn something, take notes from the start. Leave each "learning session" with a question or two in mind, to create anticipation and curiosity. Take short breaks, so there will be more beginnings and endings to your studies (Things learned at the beginning or ending of a class or session are remembered better).

26. Use techniques for clear thinking.
Cluttered rooms and offices can contribute to cluttered thinking. Organize a space for mental work. Sigh, stretch, and take a deep breath before you start on a tough mental job. Plan some distraction-free time for brainstorming.

27. Brain wave entrainment.
The newest brain wave entrainment products are powerful tools for altering your brain function. Some will almost immediately relax you, while others will put your brain waves in a pattern that is most conducive to analytical thinking.

Cara cepat belajar bahasa Inggris

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Trik dan Tips Belajar Bahasa Inggris Cepat

Apakah anda sudah putus asa tidak bisa belajar bahasa Inggris (learning English)? Cobalah berpikir lagi. Apapun latar belakang atau pengalaman anda, anda DAPAT belajar berbicara bahasa lain dengan menggunakan enam teknik cepat.
Ada banyak cara yang bisa menjadi jembatan agar kita bisa berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris: orang-orang di perjalanan, bisnis, pendidikan, hobbi, para teman atau keluarga.
Tetapi, “Dapatkah aku benar-benar mengembangkan ketrampilan-ketrampilan komunikatif dengan menggunakan lidah baru?” Jawabnya: DAPAT. Syaratnya anda harus melaksanakan dan mempraktekkan tips cepat ini dalam hidup sehari-hari.

1.Mengambil kursus pendek:
Sejumlah kursus-kursus bahasa sekarang tersedia di mana-mana, di universitas atau perguruan tinggi lokal. Internet demikian juga banyak yang memberi layanan kursus bahasa asing. Silakan ketik kata kunci seperti: learning English, atau belajar bahasa Inggris online, kursus bahasa Inggris, dsb. Nah, ambillah kursus bahasa Inggris ini untuk memulai usaha anda.

“Mom, he’s mocking me!” “Ibu, ia sedang mengejek aku!” Pernahkah anda mendengar keluhan ini bila setelah adikmu yang paling kecil menirukan dari orang lain? Seseorang menirukan kata, bunyi – dalam pidato, termasuk segala aksi panggung. Itu disebut mimicking dan cara itu sangat efektif bagi anda untuk belajar speaking. Prosedur sangat sederhana, anda mengulangi persisnya, kata demi kata, segala yang dikatakan oleh model tersebut. Model itu penyiar berita, karakter di sebuah komedi, pembawa cerita atau narrator, suara yang berasal dari radio atau operator kaset. Jangan cemas jika hasilnya belum sempurna. Anda akan belajar dengan berbahasa Inggris dengan lidah. Anda akan memperoleh kecepatan dan menenangkan cara ini dengan praktek langsung. Anda akan melakukan lebih cepat dibanding yang anda kira.

3.Membaca Dengan Suara Keras:
Salah satu terik belajar bahasa Inggris membaca dengan keras. Bacalah teks-teks bahasa Inggris dengan suara keras. Teknik tangguh ini tidak hanya mengembangkan ketrampilan-ketrampilan pengucapan kata-kata, berperan untuk meningkatan keterampilan mendengarkan, tatabahasa dan kosa kata juga. Pelajarilah bahasa Inggris dengan membaca.

4. Menonton TV: Jika anda sudah berlangganan TV kabel, adakah sebuah stasiun menyiarkan di dalam bahasa Inggris yang anda adalah tertarik akan? Banyak stasiun TV yang menyiarkan acaranya dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Nah Anda bisa belajar bahasa Inggris dari menonton TV itu.

5.Mendengarkan Musik:
Mendengar musik merupakan tips dan trik belajar bahasa Inggris yang menyenangkan. Anda juga tidak asing dengan lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris, kan. Pilihlah lagu dengan syair yang mudah dan dinyanyikan dengan tempo yang lebih lambat. Anda juga bisa melakukan dengan karaoke bersama teman atau keluarga. Dengan bantuan internet, bahkan, anda dapat mencari lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris secara online. Di internet anda dapat mnemukan ratusan bahkan ribuan nyanyian online

Berhenti di perpustakaan untuk meminjam buku-buku tata bahasa dan materi belajar bahasa Inggris. Tatabahasa merupakan pemandu yang baik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Dan membaca secara umum merupakan modal awal belajar bahasa Inggris. Membacalah artikel bahasa Inggris sebanyak mungkin, dan anda akan menuai hasilnya.
Membaca juga bisa dipahami sebagai memahami orang lain. Pergilah ke tempat-tempat yang banyak dikunjungi oleh para penutur bahasa Inggris, seperti di restaurant, supermarket, tempat wisata, forum chatting, klub bahasa Inggris, atau ke mana saja, yang memungkinkan anda dapat berbicara dan mempraktekkan bahasa Inggris anda.

Teaching Integrated Writing Skills

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Teaching Integrated Writing Skills
Dr. Cecilia B-Ikeguchi
ww4s-ikgc [at] asahi-net.or.jp
Tokyo Kasei Gakuin: Tsukuba Women's University (Japan)
This article was published in the International Journal for Teachers of Writing Skills. (January, 1997)
This paper presents a technique in the Advance Writing Class that has been proven successful in teaching the skills of summarizing, outlining, expressing opinion through the medium of writing. In integrating Writing Lessons with reading, speaking and of course listening, students are able to produce dynamic writing output.
A Brief Theoretical Background and the Background of the Students
This paper rests on the assumption that there is a staged development of language acquisition, and that ESL learners go through different stages of development towards the target language. More specifically this implies that students learn different grammatical structures at different levels of development in each of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. At each stage, some grammatical structures build on other structures and can not be acquired before other structure. With focus on Writing skills, this paper reports on a successful and effective teaching and learning technique used with Japanese university students in the Advance Writing Classes.
Japanese students come from a mono-language environment, where Japanese is the predominant language at home and in the community, notwithstanding the school. English education in Japan is spelled out in such a way that students start to learn the language formally in Junior High School where heavy emphasis is placed on translations and grammar studies in preparation for University Entrance Examination. This being the case, university students are placed into three levels: the Beginning, Intermediate and Advance in their Writing classes.
Japanese students in the advance level usually are a good mixture of those who have at least a year of overseas study and those who have not. Based on the Developmental Language Acquisition Theory mentioned above, learners at this stage, with influences from L1 Writing, are now said to be able to write in paragraph forms, with a paragraph being defined as a coherent presentation of a number of utterance tied together by an overall message or intent. What distinguishes a paragraph from a set of sentences is primarily textual cohesion which refers to elements that refer forward and backward among across sentence boundaries that tie sentences together. By this time, Japanese university students are able to narrate, describe, and manipulate sentence structures to a certain extent that they express what they really are eager to communicate. Consequently, they are also able to use correctly discourse connectors, subordination and coordination. After having mastered the structural elements and style of paragraph writing, they can and should tbe allowed to write longer forms of writing.
The Teaching of Writing, Integrated with Other Skills
The most common problem that confronts teachers of a Writing Class does not lie so much on what to ask students to write about; the difficulty is more on how to motivate the students to write interesting and effective materials. Writing for writing sake is a drag, and produces boring output. The lesson plan presented here, by combining the teaching of writing with other skills, allows students freedom to express themselves meaningfully.
The first phase of the lesson begins one week before with the giving of the ASSIGNMENT. I read (or write on the board, or make copies of) a list of as many topics which I think to be of interest to the group. I allow the students to choose any one topic that they are most interested in, and something that they would like to know more about. Then I tell them to look for a short (the shortest is one paragraph, the longest is one page) magazine or newspaper article, read thoroughly until they understood the content, and make a copy to bring to class. No writing is done yet; students are required only to completely comprehend the text they had chosen.
The second phase of the lesson is the INTERACTIVE PHASE which begins on the day of the next class. Students who had chosen the same topic are called to sit together and form a group. The are then told to take turns in reading- or reporting- each of their articles to the group members, while everybody else listens and then ask questions to clarify points that are unclear, or make comments . I allow as much time as the students are willing to talk, or half of the whole class time. At this point, I make sure that students within the same group recognize common or diverse aspects relating to the same topic. For instance, on the topic on Environmental Problems, they would have chosen articles on: Deforestration, Garbage Problems, Noise Pollution, etc.
The third phase of the lesson is the WRITING stage. I ask the students to get back to their seats and write about two things: (1) the topic they had chosen to read and bring to class, and (2) the other related aspects of the same topic that they found out from the group interaction. I usually am surprised to find out that they write endlessly and use up until the last minute of the lesson time.
The length of the written material required will depend on the skills to be tested, the purpose of the lesson, and on the readiness of the class. The shortest can be a one-paragraph writing of either a summary or reaction to the articles they chose. The students are required to hand in the finished material at the close of the period.
For a lesson on teaching skills on summarizing, I usually ask student to find 3-5 sentences indicating the main points in the article, and re-write these in their own 3-5 sentences.
For a lesson and at the same time an exercise on outlining, I ask them to identify 2-3 main ideas in the article- or as many as they can find, re-write these main ideas in their own words. At the same time they are told to include a sentence supporting each of these main ideas.
For a lesson on expressing personal opinions / beliefs, students are told to identify, again, 2-3 main ideas (or as many as they think there are) and give their personal reaction to each of these ideas.
At the end of the term, or the school year, I require them to do a summative writing which tests the application of some or all these skills in a set of paragraphs forming a coherent set of ideas to form an essay or a full composition. The final product would be an essay, for example, which consists of: the 1st paragraph as a summary, the 2nd paragraph as the outline (with main ideas and supporting ideas indicated), the third paragraph containing their personal reaction to the article, and so on.
The only hang-up with this technique is that it entails a lot of work on the teacher. To be able to check students skill in summarizing or outlining, the teacher has to read every student's article, thereby increasing work twice as much.
Teaching the set of skills of summarizing, outlining, reacting to a posted article using writing as a medium helps Japanese college students organized ideas while allowing them to express these ideas in complete sentences. They are trained to put ideas logically and organize thought patterns and makes writing more interesting for both themselves and the teacher. This technique allows the students to write freely, and gives them a feeling that they have an investment on the topic to be able to produce really dynamic writing expected at their level.

The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. III, No. 3, March 1997

Teaching Passion

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By Richard Leblanc, York University, Ontario
This article appeared in The Teaching Professor after Professor Leblanc won a Seymous Schulich Award for Teaching Excellence including a $10,000 cash award. Reprinted here with permission of Professor Leblanc, October 8, 1998.

One. Good teaching is as much about passion as it is about reason. It's about not only motivating students to learn, but teaching them how to learn, and doing so in a manner that is relevant, meaningful, and memorable. It's about caring for your craft, having a passion for it, and conveying that passion to everyone, most importantly to your students. Two. Good teaching is about substance and treating students as consumers of knowledge. It's about doing your best to keep on top of your field, reading sources, inside and outside of your areas of expertise, and being at the leading edge as often as possible. But knowledge is not confined to scholarly journals. Good teaching is also about bridging the gap between theory and practice. It's about leaving the ivory tower and immersing oneself in the field, talking to, consulting with, and assisting practitioners, and liaisoning with their communities.
Three. Good teaching is about listening, questioning, being responsive, and remembering that each student and class is different. It's about eliciting responses and developing the oral communication skills of the quiet students. It's about pushing students to excel; at the same time, it's about being human, respecting others, and being professional at all times.
Four. Good teaching is about not always having a fixed agenda and being rigid, but being flexible, fluid, experimenting, and having the confidence to react and adjust to changing circumstances. It's about getting only 10 percent of what you wanted to do in a class done and still feeling good. It's about deviating from the course syllabus or lecture schedule easily when there is more and better learning elsewhere. Good teaching is about the creative balance between being an authoritarian dictator on the one hand and a pushover on the other.
Five. Good teaching is also about style. Should good teaching be entertaining? You bet! Does this mean that it lacks in substance? Not a chance! Effective teaching is not about being locked with both hands glued to a podium or having your eyes fixated on a slide projector while you drone on. Good teachers work the room and every student in it. They realize that they are the conductors and the class is the orchestra. All students play different instruments and at varying proficiencies.
Six. This is very important -- good teaching is about humor. It's about being self-deprecating and not taking yourself too seriously. It's often about making innocuous jokes, mostly at your own expense, so that the ice breaks and students learn in a more relaxed atmosphere where you, like them, are human with your own share of faults and shortcomings.
Seven. Good teaching is about caring, nurturing, and developing minds and talents. It's about devoting time, often invisible, to every student. It's also about the thankless hours of grading, designing or redesigning courses, and preparing materials to still further enhance instruction.
Eight. Good teaching is supported by strong and visionary leadership, and very tangible institutional support -- resources, personnel, and funds. Good teaching is continually reinforced by an overarching vision that transcends the entire organization -- from full professors to part-time instructors -- and is reflected in what is said, but more importantly by what is done.
Nine. Good teaching is about mentoring between senior and junior faculty, teamwork, and being recognized and promoted by one's peers. Effective teaching should also be rewarded, and poor teaching needs to be remediated through training and development programs.
Ten. At the end of the day, good teaching is about having fun, experiencing pleasure and intrinsic rewards ... like locking eyes with a student in the back row and seeing the synapses and neurons connecting, thoughts being formed, the person becoming better, and a smile cracking across a face as learning all of a sudden happens. Good teachers practice their craft not for the money or because they have to, but because they truly enjoy it and because they want to. Good teachers couldn't imagine doing anything else.
